free arcane capsule

Free Arcane Capsule for 5 Minutes of Work

Step by step guide to get a Free Arcane x Riot Capsule (While Supplies Last!) Unsure when this will end but get it while it’s hot.


Step 1: Head over to the Riot X Arcane website Riot X Arcane

Step 2: Wait for the website to load as there are some dialogue that you need to read or skip

Step 3: Look at the top corner for the map and use it to head over to the Summoner’s Park

Step 4: Talk to Gwen

Step 5: Talk to Jhin

Step 6: Talk to the shopkeeper – He’ll give you a quest to go to Gwen, Sett, and Jhin

Step 7: Make the deliveries and you will be given a capsule with 3 skin shards!

Estimated time to complete all steps: 5 Minutes

While you’re here, learn how to climb out to Gold Rank by following these tips and tricks.

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