Top 6 Tips to Overcome Ranked Anxiety League of Legends
Hey Summoners! If you’re like many players, the thought of jumping into ranked games can bring a wave of anxiety. This is especially true if you’ve mostly played normal games with friends and find the solo queue experience daunting. Ranked anxiety is a common issue, but it can be overcome with the right mindset and strategies. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the reasons behind ranked anxiety and provide practical tips to help you conquer your fears and enjoy ranked play.
Table of Contents
Understanding Ranked Anxiety
Ranked anxiety stems from the pressure of performing well and the fear of losing. Many players worry about dropping in rank, facing criticism from teammates, or not living up to their expectations. This anxiety can cause hesitation, making it difficult to press that “Play” button.
Common Thoughts That Fuel Ranked Anxiety:
- Fear of Losing: “What if I go on a heavy losing streak?”
- Performance Pressure: “What if I can’t carry enough in a winnable game?”
- Self-Doubt: “Am I really as good as I think I am?”
These thoughts can create a cycle of avoidance, where you watch others play or play normal games but shy away from ranked matches. Understanding these thoughts and recognizing them as natural responses can be the first step toward overcoming ranked anxiety.

Tips for Overcoming Ranked Anxiety
1. Shift Your Mindset
Focus on Improvement, Not Winning One of the best ways to overcome ranked anxiety is to change your perspective. Instead of fixating on winning or losing, focus on improving your skills. Each game, regardless of the outcome, is an opportunity to learn and grow. Adopting a growth mindset can reduce the pressure you place on yourself.
Embrace Mistakes as Learning Opportunities Understand that making mistakes is part of the learning process. Even professional players make errors. Analyze your mistakes constructively and use them to enhance your gameplay.
2. Set Realistic Goals
Small, Achievable Goals Instead of aiming for high ranks immediately, set small, manageable goals. For example, aim to improve your farm, avoid unnecessary deaths, or focus on better map awareness. Achieving these smaller goals can boost your confidence and reduce anxiety.
Track Your Progress Keep a log of your games and note the areas where you’ve improved. This can provide tangible evidence of your progress and help you stay motivated.
3. Develop a Pre-Game Routine
Warm-Up Games Play a few normal or ARAM games to warm up before diving into ranked. This can help you get into the right mindset and improve your mechanics without the added pressure.
Relaxation Techniques Incorporate relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or visualization exercises before starting a game. Visualizing yourself playing well can prepare your mind for success.
Physical Preparation Make sure you are physically comfortable. Have a glass of water nearby, ensure your seating is comfortable, and your environment is free from distractions.
4. Control Your Environment
Mute Toxicity Use the /mute all command at the start of your games to block out any potential negativity from teammates. This helps you focus solely on your gameplay and reduces stress.
Create a Positive Atmosphere Play some calming or motivational music in the background. This can help maintain a positive mood and reduce anxiety.
Surround Yourself with Support If possible, play with friends who are supportive and understand your goals. Their encouragement can help alleviate anxiety.
5. Play Regularly
Desensitize Yourself The more you play ranked, the less intimidating it becomes. Regularly playing ranked games can help desensitize you to the pressure and make it a normal part of your routine.
Set a Schedule Create a consistent schedule for playing ranked games. This can help build a habit and make it easier to queue up without overthinking.
Stick to a Routine Establish a pre-game routine that includes warming up, a few practice games, and a review of your previous games. Consistency can build confidence and reduce anxiety.
6. Develop Mental Resilience
Accept the Reality of Losses Understand that losses are an inevitable part of the game. Even the best players lose games. Accepting this fact can help you focus on what you can control: your performance and improvement.
Focus on What You Can Control Shift your focus to aspects of the game that you can control, such as your own performance, decision-making, and attitude. This can reduce feelings of helplessness and increase your confidence.
Build Mental Toughness Practice mindfulness and meditation to build mental toughness. These practices can help you stay calm and focused during games.
Reddit Community Insights
Here are some valuable insights from fellow players who have faced and overcome ranked anxiety:
“You will lose some games. That’s just a fact. The important thing is to learn from your losses. There is more to learn from your losses than your wins. Don’t be scared of losing.”
“Remind yourself that ranked is better than normals purely by not having to play with or against trios/quads. Normals are garbage simply because trios/quads don’t give a shit about the non-premade players.”
“You’ll win some games, you’ll lose some games. It’s like that for everyone. I’d just suggest you /mute all to save your mental if you’re prone to tilting. And just consider that everyone is garbage. You, your teammates, everyone! You’ll all make mistakes at some point.”
“Take it slow. Start with 1 ranked game per session and increase the amount when you feel you can – start getting used to ranked. Get out of your comfort zone. Remind yourself, it’s just a game. If you lose, so what? You lose some LP, nothing else changed and you’ll get it back no problem.”
“The way to get over it is to have no expectation. I used to worry and it was because I was playing to win and not to get better. Queue up and have something you want to work on in the session. That way it’s less about winning or losing but more refining mechanics/game knowledge.”
“Neace once said to a low elo player he coached, ‘Why are you afraid to play ranked?’ The player responded, ‘I’m afraid of losing.’ Neace replied, ‘You’re in low elo. Nothing happens when you lose.’ Point is: league is like every other sport. You gotta play and you gotta lose some. Imagine the rule about becoming a master in something. You gotta put 10,000 hours in your skill to become a master. It’s like you gotta paint 10,000 paintings to become a skilled painter. Like all that, you gotta play 10,000 games to become a master at league. Because it’s a skill, and you need to fail to improve.”
Practical Exercises to Reduce Anxiety
Visualization Techniques
Positive Visualization Before starting a game, close your eyes and visualize yourself playing confidently and successfully. Imagine making good plays, winning your lane, and contributing to your team’s victory.
Scenario Visualization Visualize different scenarios you might face in the game and how you will handle them. This can prepare you mentally and reduce anxiety.
Breathing Exercises
Deep Breathing Practice deep breathing exercises to calm your nerves. Breathe in deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this several times before and during the game if needed.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Tense and then slowly relax each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head. This can help release physical tension and promote relaxation.
Game Journals Keep a journal of your ranked games. After each game, write down what went well, what didn’t, and what you learned. This can help you track your progress and identify patterns in your gameplay.
Emotional Journaling Write down your thoughts and feelings before and after games. This can help you process your emotions and gain insights into what triggers your anxiety.
Mindfulness Meditation
Guided Meditation Use guided meditation apps or videos to practice mindfulness meditation. This can help you stay present and focused during games.
Mindful Gaming While playing, try to stay fully present in the moment. Focus on your actions, the game’s mechanics, and your surroundings. This can reduce anxiety and improve your performance.
Building a Support System
Find a Mentor Having a more experienced player to guide you can be incredibly helpful. They can provide tips, review your games, and offer encouragement.
Join a Community Join a League of Legends community or group where you can share your experiences and get support from other players. Reddit, Discord, and other forums can be great places to find like-minded individuals.
Play with Friends If possible, play ranked games with friends who are supportive and positive. This can make the experience more enjoyable and less stressful.
Closing Thoughts
Ranked anxiety is a common challenge, but it can be managed and overcome. By shifting your mindset, setting realistic goals, developing a pre-game routine, and playing regularly, you can reduce anxiety and start enjoying the ranked experience. Remember, every game is an opportunity to improve, and it’s okay to make mistakes. Take a deep breath, queue up, and focus on becoming the best player you can be.
As you climb the ladder, feel free to check out our LP Calculator to see how many games you need to win for your next promotion.