Best League Aurora Top Mid Guide 2024
Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds, is one of the newest champions to grace the League of Legends roster in 2024. Known for her dual abilities to navigate both the spirit and material realms, she brings a unique and refreshing dynamic to the game. This comprehensive guide will delve into her abilities, optimal builds, suitable team compositions, and strategies to maximize her potential on the Rift. We’ll also cover her strengths, weaknesses, and tips on how to best utilize her in various game phases.

Table of Contents
Lore and Background
The Story of Aurora
Aurora’s journey began with her innate ability to traverse the spirit realm, a rare and powerful gift. Her curiosity and determination to learn more about the inhabitants of this otherworldly plane led her to leave her home and embark on a journey of discovery. Along the way, she mastered the art of manipulating spiritual energy, which she now uses to both protect her allies and vanquish her foes.
Abilities Overview
Passive – Spirit Abjuration
Aurora’s passive, Spirit Abjuration, makes her basic attacks and abilities apply a stack of Spirit Abjuration to enemies. Upon reaching three stacks, these are consumed to deal bonus magic damage and exorcise spirits from champions, which then follow Aurora, healing her and granting bonus movement speed.
Key Points:
- Stacks up to three times on enemies.
- Deals bonus magic damage based on the target’s maximum health.
- Exorcises spirits that heal Aurora and increase her movement speed.
Q – Twofold Hex
Aurora’s Q ability, Twofold Hex, allows her to fire a bolt of energy that curses enemies. This ability can be recast to draw the curses back, dealing damage to all enemies hit by the returning bolts.
Key Points:
- Fires a bolt of energy, marking enemies with a curse.
- Recast to draw curses back, damaging enemies along the path.
- Damage scales with missing health, making it potent for finishing off low-health targets.
W – Across the Veil
Her W ability, Across the Veil, is a mobility tool that lets Aurora leap in a chosen direction, entering the spirit realm and becoming invisible for a short duration. This ability is crucial for both engaging and evading.
Key Points:
- Leaps in a chosen direction and becomes invisible.
- Grants a brief speed boost and invulnerability during the leap.
- Can reset cooldowns if a takedown is secured within a short duration.
E – The Weirding
The Weirding is Aurora’s E ability, which sends out a blast of spirit magic that damages and slows enemies before Aurora hops backward to safety. This ability is essential for kiting and controlling engagements.
Key Points:
- Sends out a damaging blast that slows enemies.
- Causes Aurora to hop backward, creating space between her and enemies.
- Useful for both engaging and disengaging in fights.
R – Between Worlds
Aurora’s ultimate, Between Worlds, allows her to leap in a direction, releasing a shockwave that damages and slows enemies. It creates a rift that traps enemies, enabling Aurora to teleport within the area.
Key Points:
- Leaps in a direction, releasing a damaging shockwave.
- Creates a rift that traps enemies and allows Aurora to teleport within.
- Offers strong zone control and team fight utility.
Role and Playstyle
Lane Roles
Aurora excels in the mid lane due to her burst potential and mobility, but she can also be played in the top lane against melee champions. Her range and burst make her a formidable opponent in one-on-one scenarios and team fights.
Mid Lane:
- Pros: High burst damage, good roaming potential, and ability to control mid-lane fights.
- Cons: Vulnerable to champions with high poke or burst damage.
Top Lane:
- Pros: Dominates melee champions, strong laning phase.
- Cons: Struggles against champions with high mobility or gap closers.
Strengths and Weaknesses
- High burst damage and scaling with ability power.
- Excellent mobility and evasive capabilities.
- Strong in both solo and team fights.
- Squishy and vulnerable to burst damage.
- Requires precise timing and positioning.
- Falls off if not properly itemized by mid to late game.
Optimal Builds
Core Items
- Rod of Ages (RoA): Essential for scaling health, mana, and ability power. Provides sustained power and survivability.
- Liandry’s Anguish: Increases sustained damage over time, particularly effective in prolonged fights.
- Cosmic Drive: Enhances movement speed and ability haste, allowing for better repositioning and faster spell rotations.
- Rabadon’s Deathcap: Amplifies her ability power significantly, boosting overall damage output.
- Shadowflame: Provides magic penetration, crucial for bursting through enemy defenses.
- Zhonya’s Hourglass: Offers an active stasis effect for survivability in team fights.
Situational Items
- Banshee’s Veil: Adds magic resistance and a spell shield against burst mages.
- Void Staff: Essential for penetrating high magic resistance.
- Morellonomicon: Grants grievous wounds, vital against healing-heavy compositions.
- Electrocute: Best for maximizing burst damage.
- Taste of Blood: Provides lane sustain.
- Eyeball Collection: Grants additional ability power.
- Ravenous Hunter: Increases healing from ability damage.
Team Compositions
Synergistic Champions
Aurora works well with champions who can provide crowd control or dive into the enemy team alongside her. Here are some ideal partners:
Leona: Offers crowd control to lock down targets, allowing Aurora to capitalize on her burst damage. Wukong: His AoE damage and crowd control complement Aurora’s ability to control team fights. Skarner: Can lock down key targets, providing an easy setup for Aurora’s abilities. Trundle: Weakens tanky champions, making it easier for Aurora to secure kills.
Certain champions pose a significant threat to Aurora due to their burst damage, mobility, or crowd control abilities. Be cautious when facing these opponents:
Veigar: His zoning and burst potential can be challenging for Aurora. Vex: Matches Aurora’s mobility and burst, making her a tough opponent. Fizz: His high mobility and assassination capabilities make him a significant threat.
Strategies and Tips
Early Game
Aurora’s early game is all about poking and harassing melee champions. Use her range advantage to chip away at enemies while staying safe from ganks using her W.
- Harass and Poke: Utilize Q and basic attacks to poke enemies. Be mindful of mana usage and enemy minion aggro.
- Wave Control: Manage wave positioning to avoid overextending. Coordinate with your jungler for early ganks.
- Safe Play: Use W to evade ganks and reposition during trades. Always have an escape plan.

Mid Game
During the mid game, Aurora should look to roam and assist other lanes using her ultimate. Her ability to burst and control fights makes her a valuable asset in skirmishes and objective control.
- Roam Effectively: Use her ultimate to assist in other lanes and secure kills. Prioritize helping your jungler and securing objectives.
- Objective Control: Focus on securing dragons, Rift Herald, and towers. Use her E and Q to poke and control the battlefield.
- Team Fights: Position carefully and use her ultimate to create chaos. Target squishy backline champions and utilize her mobility to avoid focus.
Late Game
Aurora’s role in the late game revolves around positioning and timing. She must use her abilities wisely to maximize damage and avoid getting burst down.
- Positioning: Stay at the edge of fights, using her range and mobility to poke and burst enemies.
- Ultimate Usage: Use her ultimate to zone enemies, control key areas, and create opportunities for your team.
- Target Priority: Focus on high-value targets such as enemy carries. Use her burst to eliminate threats quickly.
Team Fight Tactics
Aurora’s abilities make her a formidable force in team fights. Properly utilizing her kit can turn the tide of battles.
- Engage with R: Use her ultimate to create chaos and zone enemies. Follow up with Q and E to maximize AoE damage and control.
- Mobility and Evasion: Use W to reposition and evade enemy focus. Her mobility is crucial for surviving and continuing to deal damage.
- Focus Targets: Coordinate with your team to focus high-value targets. Aurora’s burst can quickly eliminate squishy enemies.
Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds, is a dynamic and versatile champion with a high skill ceiling. Her ability to traverse between realms offers unique gameplay opportunities, making her a valuable pick for players who enjoy a mix of mage and assassin playstyles. Mastering Aurora requires precise timing, positioning, and coordination with your team, but with practice, she can become a formidable force on the Rift.
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