aurora skills

Master Aurora in League of Legends: Top Abilities, Builds, and Counters

The League of Legends universe has welcomed its latest addition: Aurora, a powerful mid-range mage from the Freljord. As a vastayan with strong ties to both magic and trickery, Aurora stands out not just for her abilities but for her cunning playstyle. Aurora brings a fresh and innovative approach to the mid-lane, with abilities designed to outmaneuver enemies rather than overpower them directly. In this article, we’ll explore her abilities, the best builds to maximize her potential, and tips on how to counter her effectively in the game.

Aurora’s Abilities Overview

Aurora’s abilities focus on speed, agility, and manipulation of both the physical and spirit worlds. Her playstyle revolves around weaving in and out of fights, using her agility to avoid danger and exploit weaknesses. Let’s break down her abilities:

  • Passive: Spirit Abjuration
    Aurora damages enemies with her spells and basic attacks, exorcising them and dealing bonus magic damage. When an enemy champion is hit three times, a spirit is released, which follows her for a short time, healing her and increasing her movement speed. This makes her particularly slippery, giving her opportunities to stay in the fight longer or escape dangerous situations.
  • Q: Twofold Hex
    Aurora sends cursed energy toward her enemies, dealing damage and marking them. The curse can be activated again to draw out part of the enemy’s spirit, dealing extra damage based on the enemy’s missing health. This spell synergizes well with her passive, making her a significant threat during extended skirmishes.
  • W: Across the Veil
    Aurora leaps to a target location, becoming invisible and entering the spirit realm for a short time. This ability allows her to evade enemy attacks or reposition in team fights, making her incredibly hard to pin down. Securing a takedown resets this ability’s cooldown, further increasing her mobility in high-pressure situations.
  • E: The Weirding
    Aurora releases a burst of spirit magic, damaging all enemies in a wide area. This ability allows her to exert zone control, pushing enemies back and giving her space to reposition or set up for a follow-up attack.
  • R: Between Worlds
    Her ultimate is where Aurora’s trickster nature truly shines. She casts a spell that creates a small enclosed area. Enemies trapped inside can move but are teleported back to the center if they try to escape. This is perfect for controlling objectives or keeping enemy carries isolated during crucial moments in the game.

Best Builds for Aurora

Building Aurora correctly is essential to unlocking her full potential in the game. Given her reliance on high burst damage and mobility, prioritizing items that amplify her magic damage and provide survivability is key.

Core Items:

  1. Luden’s Echo – This item enhances her burst potential, giving her extra magic damage and cooldown reduction.
  2. Zhonya’s Hourglass – Zhonya’s provides both survivability and a clutch active that allows Aurora to avoid critical damage in team fights.
  3. Rabadon’s Deathcap – A must-have for late-game scaling, boosting her overall magic damage output dramatically.

Additional Items:

  • Shadowflame – This gives her additional magic penetration, making her more effective against high-magic-resistance champions.
  • Void Staff – Another essential for dealing with tanks or magic resist-heavy teams.
  • Banshee’s Veil – Offers extra protection against enemy crowd control, allowing Aurora to stay mobile and aggressive.

Counters and Matchups

While Aurora is a formidable opponent, certain champions have the ability to counter her effectively. Her reliance on mobility and timing means champions who can lock her down or burst her quickly will often have an advantage.

Strong Counters:

  • Annie: With her point-and-click stun and high burst damage, Annie can lock down Aurora before she can escape with her abilities.
  • Fizz: His playful/trickster ability allows him to avoid much of Aurora’s damage, and his burst potential can eliminate her quickly.
  • Cassiopeia: Cassiopeia’s sustained damage and crowd control can pin Aurora down, preventing her from using her mobility to escape or reposition.

Weak Counters:

  • Corki: Aurora’s mobility and damage can outmatch Corki’s poke playstyle, especially if she catches him off-guard.
  • Ziggs: Ziggs struggles to deal with Aurora’s agility and short-range burst, making him an easy target.
  • Talon: Despite his burst, Talon’s lack of sustained control means Aurora can often escape before he can finish her off.

Tips for Playing as Aurora

To maximize Aurora’s potential, it’s important to play to her strengths: agility, burst damage, and zoning control. Here are some tips for mastering her:

  1. Use Your Mobility: Aurora excels at darting in and out of fights, so use Across the Veil and Between Worlds to create confusion among enemies. Constantly reposition to avoid being caught.
  2. Maximize the Curse: Timing your Twofold Hex recast for maximum damage is essential. Always keep an eye on the enemy’s health to make sure you’re getting the most out of the ability.
  3. Zone Control: Use The Weirding and Between Worlds to control objectives like Baron or Dragon. These abilities allow you to create a dangerous zone for enemies to navigate, making it hard for them to contest objectives.

Final Thoughts

Aurora is a unique and tricky champion that rewards skillful play and timing. Her abilities make her a great pick for players who enjoy mobility, burst damage, and outplaying opponents through positioning. Whether you’re mastering her abilities, crafting the perfect build, or learning how to counter her, Aurora brings a refreshing and exciting playstyle to the League of Legends universe. Are you ready to harness her power and lead your team to victory?

Keep your ranked anxiety in check and head over to our LP Calculator to see how many games you need to win with Aurora to be promoted!

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